YouthMOVE Ohio
We are a group of young leaders, 14-30 years old, representing multi-systems. We work to improve systems and services for youth around Ohio through advocacy, education, community service, and peer support.
NAMI Next Gen
One of NAMI’s overall guiding principles is nothing about us, without us, which is why we created NAMI Next Gen, a 10-member young adult advisory group. The group represents the voices of youth and young adults across the country and will be advising, creating and innovating how NAMI works with youth and young adults.
Youth Zoom Support Groups
Every 2nd & 4th Monday at 7pm
For Ages 14-30
Attend Sessions, Hangout with Positive Peers, & Have Fun!
Resiliency Ring Highlights
Resiliency Ring 2024 Highlight Reel
More Videos
What Wellness Looks Like To Me by Grace Dannemiller
Wellness is so individual and made up of your personal goals, taking into consideration lived experiences, health, and needs to find balance in your life. It’s deeply tied to how I treat myself and the environment I live in. One of the first signs that I need to work...
The Eight Dimensions of Wellness Deep Dive by Ashley Karsten
The Eight Dimensions of Wellness, developed by Dr. Bill Hettler, describes holistic wellbeing across various aspects of life. These dimensions include emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual, financial, occupational social and environmental wellness. Each of...
How to Find Somone to Support You by Ashley Karsten
We all experience difficult times in our life. Whether it’s losing a job, a loved one passing, or even a breakup, having a support system matters. Human beings are social creatures, we all rely on each other in many different ways. Life can be stressful and having a...
Your Story Matters
Sharing your story about the challenges you’ve faced in life is a powerful way to inspire and empower others. At YouthMOVE Ohio, we believe in the transformative power of personal narratives. Your experiences and resilience matter, and by sharing them, you can make a positive impact on the lives of others. Join our community of young leaders as we work together to improve systems and services for youth across Ohio. Together, we can create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone’s voice is heard. Share your story today and be a part of Motivating Others through Voices of Experience.
I Felt I Had No Future by Sarah P
I am 17 years old. I got diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder last June when I was 16. I overdosed on my medications hoping that I wouldn't be here anymore. I felt like a burden to my family and that's when my first hospitalization happened. I felt more distant...