YouthMOVE Ohio

Motivating Others through Voices of Experience

What is YouthMOVE Ohio?

YouthMOVE Ohio is a youth and young adult led organization devoted toward improving services and systems to promote youth inclusion, mental wellness, positive supports, and healthy transitions.

YouthMOVE empowers youth to advocate for themselves and live healthy, meaningful lives. Our mission is to empower all youth and young adults who have experience with various youth-serving systems.

Who We Are

YouthMOVE Ohio is a youth-led organization devoted to improving services and systems to support youth inclusion, mental wellness, positive support, and healthy transition.

What We Do

We develop youth leaders, who have lived experience in mental health, juvenile justice, education, and child welfare in order to raise awareness about issues that affect them while advocating for authentic youth inclusion at all system levels.

How We Do It

We the members of YouthMOVE Ohio work as a diverse collective and partner with State and Local Agencies and Organizations to bring youth to the table as key stakeholders in system changes that affect them.

Specifically We

  • Maintaining a statewide youth leadership council to develop and guide the work of YouthMOVE Ohio
  •   Assist in developing local youth leadership through YouthMOVE chapters
  •   Promote Youth Leadership and Peer support
  •   Provide training to youth leaders
  •   Create YouthMOVE Ohio principles and policies
  •   Develop training tools, guides, and other resources
  •   Unite the voices and causes of youth.
  •   Act as consultants to youth, providers, families, and other adults
  •   Provide statewide leadership to youth-serving systems
  •   Train partners in the area of authentic youth involvement